Posts in Concussion
Female Concussions (mTBI)

RETURN TO SPORT: Physicians, coaches, and parents need to know that the risk of further damaging a vulnerable brain after a concussion or multiple concussions is very high. A subsequent concussion could result in permanent disability and ruin a teen’s education and career prospects. The onus is on adults to make this risk clear to the teens for whom they are responsible.

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Supplements for Concussion Recovery

Nutritional supplements will aid recovery. But which ones? It’s expensive and impractical to take everything that is recommended. The list needs to be short, and must include beneficial supplements that are affordable and easily available.

This Quick List of “can’t go wrong” essential supplements gets you started. It describes what to take, quantity (how much and how often) and benefits based on research studies. These four supplements have no known side effects when taken in moderation.

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