Madeline McBride, M.A.Sc.
Madeline is a Certified Bowenwork / Bowen Therapy Practitioner (Advanced) and Neuromuscular Therapist who practices in Ottawa, Ontario. Her training is extensive. In addition to the list of qualifications found on this website’s About page, Madeline has been Qi-Gong Master James Foo’s student of his frequency-based energy healing techniques for more than 10 years. She also has EFT Universe Level 2.
Madeline teaches across North America. See the Schedule page for upcoming workshops.
“The world needs this 528 Rapid Trauma Release™. Even if I teach nothing else, I will teach this until I drop. It’s that powerful.”
Wendy Armstrong
Wendy is a Master Consulting Hypnotist and Wellness practitioner/Reiki instructor in Ottawa, Ontario with over 25 years experience. Her extensive energy healing training includes several Reiki modalities, EFT (Tapping), Touch for Health, and IET. She trained in Shamanic healing,The 8th Fire, with Pete Bernard, an Algonquin Medicine Man, and has practiced Shamanic healing for more than 10 years. Like Madeline, Wendy has been Qi-Gong Master James Foo’s student of his frequency-based energy healing techniques for more than10 years.
Wendy took Madeline’s 528 Rapid Trauma Release™ workshop in 2023 and is authorized to offer 528 Rapid Trauma Release™ sessions and workshops. See more details on her website