Hormones & Fertility


The late Trevor Rose developed advanced Bowen Therapy protocols that balance hormones using nerve stimulation. Learn more at www.hormonalreleasethebowenway.com

Conditions Treated  – Women

  • Period pain

  • Endometriosis

  • PMS

  • Perimenopause & menopause symptoms

  • Vaginal dryness & low libido

  • Bladder (incontinence, weak bladder, bedwetting)

Fertility, Pregnancy & Postpartum Follow-up

The Fertility Protocol prepares the body for natural conception, intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) by regulating periods and stimulating hormone production. Is the Fertility Protocol a good option for you? Contact us to request a free one hour presentation and consultation.

Please note that Madeline ensures that female clients’ bodies are optimally prepared to sustain pregnancy. When the body is stressed by chronic pain, pelvis or jaw misalignment, and inflammation it can be more difficult to get and stay pregnant. Therefore, prior to the Fertility Protocol, some clients require several sessions to resolve underlying issues first.

Once pregnant, Bowen Therapy can address:

  • Pregnancy-related back pain & sciatica

  • Preparing body for birth

  • Post-pregnancy balancing

  • Scar tissue from a caesarean, surgery, episiotomy, etc.

It’s important to repair scar tissue because damaged muscles and fascia can result in weakened iliopsoas and abdominal muscles, pelvic rotation, and pain. Please read the testimonial below.)

Conditions Treated – Babies

  • Colic

  • Reflux

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Constant crying

  • Torticollis

  • Birth trauma (mom and baby)

Conditions Treated – Children

  • Muscle damage from falls and accidents (pain in ankle, knee, pelvis, back, shoulder, neck, etc.)

  • Bedwetting

Nighttime incontinence can be caused by several factors. Madeline can address the following:

  1. Delayed integration of neonatal reflexes. To learn how nerve stimulation techniques can help, please read the blog post.

  2. Damaged muscles in the pelvis. Has your child had a bad accident or sports injury? Excessive muscle tension in the pelvic region may put pressure on (i.e., pinch) the pudendal nerve that supplies the urethra and bladder. (This also applies to adults. When Madeline asked a client when the need to urinate several times a night began, the client replied, “After I fell on my hip.”)

Conditions Treated – Men

  • Fertility

  • Low testosterone

    A possible factor contributing to low sperm count and low testosterone is covered in this blog post.

  • Firmer erections

  • Bladder - frequent nocturnal urination

  • Prostate swelling




We’re Pregnant!

“Madeline, we’re 20 weeks pregnant now, and we certainly have you to thank you for it. 😀" – S.M. (PS: her healthy baby boy was born in July 2020.)

Second IVF Procedure Successful

We are expecting a baby in September! Wahoo, we are so grateful for your help.” KT, 2023

Athletic Female in 20s with Pelvic Pain

I had a sharp, stabbing pain in my lower pelvis near my ovaries that worsened a week before and during my periods. Madeline released my tight left iliopsoas muscle in my pelvis. In two days the pain disappeared and has not returned so far (2 months.) I had an ultrasound just in case and the results were clear.” – A.B., 2024

Episiotomy Scar Pain

Since the birth of my second child  34 years ago, I have felt a dull aching  pain on the right side of my pelvic floor. Occasionally it included a burning sensation or a sharp pain. This would occur regularly, lasting from several hours to several days. My family doctors could see nothing unusual, nor could they feel any damage or displacement. It wasn’t until I met Madeline that this mystery was identified and finally resolved. I had sought her help on another matter entirely - to help alleviate lower back and neck pain.

On my first visit,* much to my surprise, Madeline asked if I had had an episiotomy. She then asked if I had had any pelvic pain or discomfort. One could imagine how wonderful it was to have someone ask me this, seemingly “out of the blue,” after years of pain and no solution offered by my  family physicians.

Madeline explained that, in addition to the pain, the pull from tight scar tissue was causing chronic tension in the right inner thigh muscles. In one session, she released the scar in the outer pelvic floor with her fingers (I was fully clothed). Then she demonstrated how to release the inner section of the scar myself. After doing that no more than three times at home, the pain was gone and has not returned. It has now been well over a year! Her scar tissue release was fast, virtually painless, and totally effective.

(I had been doing pelvic floor exercises for general health, and I continue to do these - but they had never alleviated any of the episiotomy scar pain. In fact, no one had even mentioned this possibility to me, including the pelvic physiotherapist who had instructed me in pelvic floor exercises.)” - JBV, 2021

*Madeline’s Note: This is also an example of how, even if a client arrives with a particular issue top of mind, Bowen Therapists assess and treat the whole body. When I discovered the thigh muscle tension, I wondered if scar tissue from a nearby old episiotomy was the origin. I similarly release scars from caesarean sections and other surgery.