“This is an extremely effective yet quick and easy way to release trauma and emotions, healing the body and mind.”

“I appreciate Madeline’s approach, skill, compassion, courage, patience, and teaching style.”

“Results of practicing this procedure during the workshop were instantaneous. This will be easy to practice and teach-pass on.”

“I can see the value from my own personal results of having the Trauma Release done on me. I love how simple the technique is.”

"Let me just say, I have had the most incredible experiences practicing the "Trauma Release" on family and friends. From five minutes to lasting an hour long, the releases are beyond words.  IT WORKS!!!"

“Everyone can benefit from Trauma Release.”

“Simple, easy to follow process that works.”

“In a short period of time I released pains from past injuries and accidents, as well as emotional and generational trauma.”

“I found the process easy to learn and am confident I will be able to use it on others.”

“This workshop is an affordable investment in our health and the health of our loved ones.”


1. After 65 Years I’m Free!

This client agreed to describe her personal experience of the technique. L.A.’s issue was feeling unsafe.

After one round, she reported: “There was all this energy going up and down my spine… I felt the energy in my head, in my body. The top of my head and the right side were vibrating. My body was vibrating.”

Immediately after L.A. finished processing, she was asked if she could relate to feeling unsafe. She replied: “Hardly. It’s like I am reading it in a book… I just couldn’t believe it. It was like, WOW. Holy sh*t, 65 years of my life, this is how I have lived to keep myself safe. At the moment I can’t think of anything else but gratitude that I could ever feel this free.”

Twenty minutes later, L.A. added: “When we finished (the first round) it was 1.5 and now it is maybe 0.5. The number keeps dropping slowly. I think by the time I get home it will be a zero!” Ottawa, ON, October 2023

2. Breathing Easier

This client did not state her issue aloud, but said it was a 7 or 8 out of 10. After one round it was a 3. “It’s like there’s a weight off my chest. I am not 100% over it, but I can deal with it.” J.K., Ottawa, January 2024