


Alignment & TMD

Muscles and ligaments hold bones in place. A fall, sports injury or accident may tighten muscles which then lock bones in misalignment and compress nerves.

The result is chronic neck, back or joint pain. A whole body assessment will determine the origin of the issue.

Jaw alignment may be affected by dental work or injury. Advanced techniques are used to assess jaw muscles and correct unbalanced tension that can result in pain and temporomandibular disorder.

"Next generation" assessment and manual muscle release techniques reduce inflammation, encourage healing, and restore alignment.



When tight neck, head and jaw muscles compress nerves and skull bones, the result is headaches, tinnitus, neck & jaw pain, vertigo and/or speech issues. Sphenoid bone misalignment stresses optic nerves and the pituitary gland.

This very gentle no-needle, no-stretching, hands-on neuromuscular therapy draws from Bowen, AMT, CranioSacral, ESB and TMD therapies. Find a list of my training here.

My comprehensive approach is effective for relieving symptoms such as neck pain/ whiplash, TMJ pain, concussion, Post-Concussion Syndrome & Spinal Concussion Syndrome.


Hormones & Fertility

Advanced Bowen Therapy hormone-balancing protocols with nerve stimulation address period pain & PMS, endometriosis, perimenopause symptoms, libido, incontinence, and more.

Fertility protocols for men and women naturally balance hormones to facilitate pregnancy. As well, this holistic approach prepares the body for IVF or IUI.

Contact us to book a free presentation.


 A Special Note about Bedwetting

Is your school-age child still wetting the bed? Bowen Therapy helps activate nerves that control the urinary sphincter. If the cause of the incontinence is indeed delayed nerve development, expect improvement within a month; i.e., after one 30 minute session per week for four weeks.

What the Therapist Does

The Bowen practitioner uses a forefinger to gently stimulate nerves in the pelvic area through the client’s underwear. No equipment! No pain or discomfort! A parent always accompanies the child in the treatment room. Learn more in the Conditions Treated - Children section.

This gentle, effective manual therapy is offered at a special rate of $50 per session for children up to and including12 years old.